It has been a challenging time for so many reasons, with school being one of the biggest concerns.  With schools moving online in March 2020 and shifting back to traditional modalities this fall, parents and students are concerned about how these changes impact learning.  Studies have shown that almost all teachers have seen “LEARNING LOSS” among their students during the pandemic.  This is particularly evident with students who have already established learning challenges.  Many families are searching for ways to bridge this learning gap so that students can face school more prepared and confident.  One of the best ways to assist with this process is tutoring, either online or in-person. Tutoring offers the following benefits:

  • Individualized instruction instead of a “one-size-fits-all” approach.
  • Additional support for students who have learning differences, ADHD, executive function challenges, etc. School may not have met all of the child’s IEP needs.
  • Remediation due to losses in learning that occurred, getting assistance to “catch up” to grade level and beyond. 
  • Structure, organization, planning, time management and other executive function skills taught and practiced.
  • Accountability to complete assignments, study for tests, and work on projects so that the responsibility to check in with children and teachers is not only on the parents’ shoulders. This avoids daily “homework battles” that have become more prevalent with students at home.
  • Ability to focus on one or more subjects, such as reading or math, with experts who specialized in those areas.

All of our tutors are Masters-level and have extensive experience working with children who have learning challenges.  We offer online tutoring on many platforms (e.g., FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, Google Hangouts, Microsoft Teams) or even phone tutoring if a student is struggling.  Depending on the comfort level of the family and the tutor, sessions are also taking place in person, with safety protocols in place. At our offices, we have plexiglass on the desks, masks and face shields if needed, strict disinfection of the office environment, and social distancing where necessary. In addition, sessions can be held outside. Our tutors will work with families to be sure everyone is comfortable.

If you are concerned about your student’s academic challenges, please feel free to contact our director, Dr. Amanda Strine at 610-642-4056 or