Social skills are both the verbal and nonverbal skills we use to communicate and interact with other people. Children who struggle with peer and adult relationships may benefit from working with a tutor in this social arena. Sessions focus on verbal communication which include not only the words used but also the tone and volume. Instruction will also address nonverbal communication which will include body postures and gestures, and facial expressions. Role play regarding: friendships, joining and participating in a group, reading the room, school rules, perspective taking of self and others, and conflict resolution are a few of the social venues that will be presented as social skills are modeled, taught in chunks, and practiced. Mindful strategies are woven throughout to aid in emotional regulation.


The following concepts and programs are covered:

  • Executive Functions: goal setting, attention/focus, organization, task initiation, self advocacy, self-monitoring, strategies for managing emotions, problem solving and thinking flexibly

  • Michelle Garcia Winner Social Thinking strategies

  • Mindfulness from Mindful Schools Curriculum

  • Grit and Growth Mindset

  • Responsive Classroom, specifically Interactive Modeling

How: Through individual tutoring or small group instruction

Who can benefit: Early elementary through middle school students

Location: The Center for Educational Services’ Paoli office

Led by: Linda Jarrett, M.Ed., CES tutor and executive function coach


Email ( or call (610-642-4056) our director,

Dr. Amanda Strine, to answer any questions or get started today!