PEP: Personalized Enrichment Planning

Start off the school year with opportunities to stimulate your student’s higher-level thinking skills and creativity.  PEP is designed for students who complete remote learning work more quickly than other students, or who need different opportunities to extend...

Summer Reading Tips

Did your stomach drop when you realized that it is the last month of summer? Has your child even opened that required summer reading book(s) yet? You are not alone. If your child does not love reading and/or has learning challenges related to reading, August can be a...

What are Executive Function Skills?

Does home feel like a battleground? Does it feel like you and your child speak different languages? Does your student know how to do the work at school, but can’t seem to get it completed on-time, effectively, or without missing simple steps? Then Executive...

Does your child need extra help with schoolwork?

“While many students work with a tutor because they are struggling at school, others get assistance to advance their studies. Even before the school year begins, many teens realize they will have an extremely challenging teacher or a particularly difficult...